Portfolio Perspective
Cornerstone Mid Cap 30 FundPortfolio Drivers: Consumer Discretionary and Industrials
Neil J. HennessyChief Market Strategist and Portfolio ManagerRyan C. Kelley, CFAChief Investment Officer and Portfolio ManagerL. Joshua Wein, CAIAPortfolio ManagerCornerstone Mid Cap 30 Fund Portfolio Managers Ryan Kelley and Josh Wein review the Fund’s investment strategy, discuss the most recent rebalance, and highlight fundamental drivers of the portfolio.
Company Spotlight
Focus FundAST SpaceMobile: Transforming How the World Connects
David Rainey, CFACo-Portfolio ManagerBrian Macauley, CFACo-Portfolio ManagerIra Rothberg, CFACo-Portfolio ManagerAST is building the first and only space-based cellular broadband network accessible directly by everyday smartphones with both commercial and government applications.1 With strategic investments from leading technology players such as AT&T, Verizon, Vodafone and Google, AST has the bold goal to provide uninterrupted broadband connectivity, everywhere.
Portfolio Perspective
Japan FundJapan’s Evolving Investment Landscape in 2025
Masakazu Takeda, CFA, CMAPortfolio ManagerAngus Lee, CFAPortfolio ManagerIn the following commentary, the Hennessy Japan Fund Portfolio Managers summarized what most surprised them in 2024 about the Japanese market along with positive trends driving Japanese companies.