Media Coverage
34 media items found.
Opinions expressed are subject to change at any time, are not guaranteed, and should not be considered investment advice.
** The Hennessy Cornerstone Growth Fund HFCGX was the top actively managed U.S. Stock fund as of 3/31/2024 based on 12 month total returns. To qualify for inclusion in the Winners' Circle, funds must be actively managed U.S. Stock Mutual Funds with more than $50 Million in assets and a record of three years of more. The survey excludes index and sector funds, funds that employee leverage strategies and most quantitative funds. The results are calculated by Morningstar direct.
Index performance is not indicative of fund performance.
DOE refers to the Department of Energy. EIA refers to the U.S.Energy Information Administration. FERC refers to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
References to other funds should not be interpreted as an offer of these securities.